Food and Mind


  • Jamuna Adhikari Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj Nursing Campus, Kathmandu Author




The objective of this review article is to describe the difference effects of vegetarian and non-
vegetarian foods in body and mind.

“As the food so is the mind” goes the ancient saying signifying that food is an essential ingredient
in creating us. The nature of our diet impacts how we think and therefore crucial to what we become. In many religions where non-violence is regarded as a high principle, non-vegetarian
diet is strictly forbidden not only just because it causes pain and suffering to other living creatures but also because it is the source of vicious thoughts and attitudes to its consumers.
In other words, non-vegetarian lifestyles, a way of living where vices dwell comfortably. The
trend of consumption of flesh by human beings is a pointer to several notions. It highlights the
way we look at other organisms and our desire to overpower them. It symbolizes our inflated
ego that brings our feeling as human as the centre of the universe. It presents our desire to cultivate nature for our gains. We rear the baby got so lovingly for one day to kill. It suggests
a belief system that justifies violence in the name of need and necessity. No peace marches,
diplomatic dialogues and conferences can bring peace to the planet when we are burdening
it with desperate (hopeless) cries of helpless creatures. For what we sow, so shall we reap
(Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation, 2009).






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