Enhancing Childs Recovery after Earth Quake


  • Kamala Upreti Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj Nursing Campus, Kathmandu Author


Earthquake, Recovery


The article entitled on Enhancing Childs Recovery after Earth Quake aims to provide the information on responses of children after earthquake and measures to enhance their recovery. Earth quake is a natural disaster related to different types of impact on human beings particularly psychological sequelae. Natural disaster triggers the emergence of psycho pathological symptoms and problems in children, adolescent and adult survivors. As we know that children are the special individuals with special needs and their response to disaster is also different. Literature also has shown that child, teenagers and the elderly are particularly at risk of disaster. Children are scared of earthquakes and unlike adults; they have difficulty accepting them as a natural disaster beyond control. So this article tries to give the information on enhancing child’s recovery after earthquake.






How to Cite

Enhancing Childs Recovery after Earth Quake. (2023). Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal, 10(1), 79-82. http://jonen.edu.np/index.php/jonen/article/view/71