Life -Style Modification after Diagnosis of Hypertension


  • Shanta Gautam Department of Community Medicine, KUSMS, Dhulikhel, Kavre Author




Background: High blood pressure (BP) is a common, powerful, and independentrisk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Lifestyle modification should be an important part of therapy when hypertension is diagnosed with or without starting antihypertensive medication.

Methods: A descriptive cross sectional study was carried out among 100 clients who are attending medical OPD from one year after diagnosis of hypertension in Kathmandu University Teaching Hospital at Dhulikhel Kavre. Data was collected by interview using structure and semi-structure questionnaires. Data analyzed by using SPSS16. The chi- square was used to compare the life style of hypertensive clients before and after diagnosis of hypertension.

Finding: Dietary modification was seen significant change p value<0.001 (Fisher’s exact test) before and after diagnosis of hypertension. Pattern of taking mutton (<0.001), chicken, (<0.001), fish (<0.001), and egg(<0.001), were also statistical significant. As regard the intake of salt, 95% of client taking normal salt intake before diagnosis of hypertension 80% of client modify their salt intake to low salt diet after diagnosis. Regarding curry eating habit of clients, 75% client were taking 2 variety of curry and also 20 % taking three varieties of curry before diagnosis but after diagnosis 89% of client taking only one variety of carry to reduce salt intake. Similarly regarding additional salt intake hypertensive client change their habit of taking papad (<0.001) potato chips (<0.001), noodles (<0.001) and dalmood (<0.029). Moreover, After diagnosis of hypertension client change their habit of taking green vegetable (<0.001), fruits (<0.003), and salad (<0.001), alcohol consumption (<0.001),) Client are change their habit of taking skimmed milk<0.001, not taking animal ghee (<0.001),) and using sun-floor oil (<0.001),) and Soya been oil while cooking. For physical exercise they were doing jogging (<0.001), hiking<0.020, swimming<0.001, cycling (0.016). For relaxation they are resting at home (0.030), and going to yoga(<0.001). Conclusion: The adverse consequences of hypertension can be reduced by modifying the life style. The life style change done by hypertensive patient was very appreciable in this study. Therefore more information should be given for life style modification by developing management information system, public information and education by using mass media for hypertensive client as well as general public as a whole.






How to Cite

Life -Style Modification after Diagnosis of Hypertension. (2011). Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal, 8(1), 16-23.

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