Factors Affecting Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice among Mothers of Infants


  • Tulashi Adhikari (Mishra) Nursing Campus, Maharajgunj Author




This descriptive study was carried out to find out the association of selected sociodemographic factors and obstetric factors with the EBF practice among the mothers of infants aged 6 -12 months. Data was collected from a total of 100 mothers attending MCH Clinic of Kanti Children’s Hospital who were selected on first come first basis during the time period of 12 July to 11 August, 2009. The instrument used to collect data was a pre-tested semi- structured interview schedule. The obtained data was entered on SPSS version 12 programme and was analyzed using descriptive (frequency, percentage) and inferential (chi-square test and odds ratio) statistics. 

The study finding revealed that only one-thirds (34.0%) of mothers had practiced EBF up to 6 months. One-forth (26.0%) of mothers had given prelacteal feeding and 52.0% of them had knowledge on correct meaning of EBF. More than half (52.6%) of mothers from rural area had practiced EBF up to 6 months while only 20.8% mothers from urban area did so. Likewise 84.0% mothers from Tamang ethnicity, 57% having primary level education, 47.7% mothers belonging to middle economic status practiced EBF. Similarly, 64% mother with home delivery, 44% of mothers with vaginal delivery and 51.0% of mothers who had initiated breastfeeding early had practiced exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months.

Mother’s residence, ethnicity, educational level, economic status, number of antenatal visit, place of delivery, mode of delivery and timing of initiation of breastfeeding were significantly associated with practice of exclusive breastfeeding. While other factors like maternal age, occupation of the mother, family type, parity, and sex of the baby did not have significant association with practice of exclusive breastfeeding.






How to Cite

Factors Affecting Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice among Mothers of Infants. (2011). Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal, 8(1), 1-8. http://jonen.edu.np/index.php/jonen/article/view/1

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