Status of Newborn Health in Nepal


  • Tumla Shrestha Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj Nursing Campus, Kathmandu Author




While child and under five mortality are reduced significantly, neonatal mortality is stagnant for decades, with an increased proportion of neonatal mortality to child mortality. Considering these facts, the Nepal Government, Ministry of Health and Population, has given top priority to newborn health. Similarly, simple, cost effective, globally proven interventions are included in essential newborn care practices. Newborn care services are scaled up from home and community level to the advanced tertiary level. However, some constraints like inadequate coverage, lack of skilled human resources and other resources, inadequate health seeking behaviuor, and prevalence of traditional practices especially in rural areas are some challenges for the newborn survival in Nepal.

Author Biography

  • Tumla Shrestha, Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj Nursing Campus, Kathmandu

    While child and under five mortality are reduced significantly, neonatal mortality is stagnant for the decades, with increased proportion of neonatal mortality to child mortality. Considering this facts, Nepal Government, Ministry of Health and Population, has given top priority to newborn health. Similarly, simple, cost effective, globally proven interventions are included in essential newborn care practices. Newborn care services are scaled up from home and community level to advanced tertiary level. However, some constraints like inadequate coverage, lack of skilled human resources and other resources, inadequate health seeking behaviuor, prevalence of traditional practices especially in rural areas are some challenges for the newborn survival in Nepal.






How to Cite

Status of Newborn Health in Nepal. (2023). Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal, 10(1), 112-116.