Health Problems among Older Adults Residing in a Community of Kathmandu


  • Takma KC Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj Nursing Campus, Kathmandu Author
  • Sulochana Shrestha Author


Health problems, older adults, community


Morbidity among elderly people has an important influence on their physical functioning and  psychosocial wellbeing. Many elderly have several disorders at the same time, incidence of  diseases increases with age. A study entitled “Health Problems among Older Adults Residing  in a Community of Kathmandu District” aimed to assess the perceived health problems and  identify the chronic diseases and association of chronic diseases with sex and marital status.  The descriptive cross-sectional study design was used. A purposive sampling technique was  adopted to select the wards of Tarkeswar Municipality of Kathmandu District to collect  the data. All older adults (122) available during the data collection period were interviewed  for perceived health problems whereas medical records (as available) were reviewed for  selected chronic diseases (HTN, COPD and DM)by using pre tested structured questionnaire.  Regarding perceived health problems, study result showed that majority of the respondents  were having joint pain (23.59%),followed by abdomen pain/gastritis(22.64%) poor vision  (16.99%), headache (13.20%) and least had dizziness( 4.77%),poor hearing (3.77.%), body  ache(3.77%) and falls(2.83%). 

According to Findings of the study regarding chronic diseases, majority of the respondents  46(37.70%) had HTN (hypertension) and least (7.380%) were suffering with DM (Diabetes  Melitus). Study also showed that all chronic diseases were found higher in females compared  to males. Regarding marital status and chronic diseases, majority (46%) of widow and few  (13%) widower had no chronic diseases. In contrast, HTN was higher (57.14%) in females  living with spouse compared to male with spouse (20%). Likewise, this chronic disease was  very high among widower 59% compared to widow (20%).  

Based on this study finding, it can be concluded that majority of older adults had perceived  joint pain, abdomen pain and poor vision. Majority female had suffered from chronic diseases  and more common with HTN. This finding demands more study among older adults regarding  chronic diseases based on education, occupation, ethnicity in relation to sex and marital status. 






How to Cite

Health Problems among Older Adults Residing in a Community of Kathmandu . (2023). Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal, 10(1), 18-22.