Join Hands to Eliminate Obstetric Fistula - Campaign in Nepal


  • Kiran Bajracharya Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, Nursing Campus, Maharajgunj Author




his paper is intended to draw attention of those health care professionals and policy makers who are the reproductive health care planner, advocates and service providers about the women during the reproductive years and beyond. The paper call on the initiation of steps to eliminate obstetric fistula(OF) and its preventive aspects in Nepal where case identification and management is very difficult task because of the women are isolated and divorced due to continuous leakage of urine and feaces. In Nepal there are 281 maternal mortality out of every one million cases. Moreover, 5.6 % of those deaths are caused due to obstructed labor. Each year 200-400 cases of fistula are estimated in Nepal i.e. 0.3 to 0.6 per 1000 deliveries( Source: report of regional consultation meeting, UNFPA 2011 ). 

The basic focus is in National Surveillance System for Fistula which should come up with a national and local group of dedicated professional volunteers to advocate for prevention and management of OF and to act as leaders and advocates for rehabilitation and reintegration of treated cases. It also serves to develop and strengthen capacities of the health professionals on issues related to OF, prevention and its treatment. 

The three proven interventions to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity are family planning, skilled care at every birth, and access to emergency obstetric care to prevent deaths and disabilities resulting from complications of pregnancy. Hence UNFPA/ WOREC Nepal, INF (International Nepal Fellowship) and professional associations are working together to eliminate OF in Nepal since 2010






How to Cite

Join Hands to Eliminate Obstetric Fistula - Campaign in Nepal . (2023). Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal, 9(1), 53-56.