Prevalance of Reproductive Tract Infections among Married Women of Reproductive Age


  • Devaka Kumari Acharya Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, Nursing Campus, Maharajgunj Author




The study entitled “ Prevalance of Reproductive Tract Infection among Married Women of Reproductive Age” was carried out in Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital Maharajgunj. 

The study aims to identify the symptoms of reproductive tract infections among married women of reproductive age. It has also attempted to assess the information regarding menstrual hygiene practice, no. of pregnancies and deliveries, contraception use. It has also tried to explore the treatment seeking behaviors during manifestations of reproductive tract infections. 

The descriptive cross sectional study design was used to collect the data. The study was conducted among 100 married women of reproductive age group. The study area and sample were selected purposively. The semi structured interview schedule was developed and interview was taken to obtain the required information. Descriptive tests were applied to analyze the data. 

The mean age of the respondents was 19.6 years. In regard to menstrual hygiene practice only 28.3 % respondents bath daily, 23.2% change pad once a day, 36.4% use sanitary pad. Only 32% respondents have heard about RTI but 83% respondents have been experiencing RTI symptoms. Only 28% of which has taken related treatment. Even among the ones who have taken the treatment, 89.3% had seeked treatment from hospitals. More reproductive tract symptoms have been showed by the respondents with the age of pregnancy less than twenty. 






How to Cite

Prevalance of Reproductive Tract Infections among Married Women of Reproductive Age . (2023). Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal, 9(1), 20-25.