Emergency Contraceptives as a Method for Preventing Unwanted Pregnancy


  • Muna Rana Nursing Campus, Maharajgunj Author




Emergency contraception is the most effective for preventing unintended pregnancy when taken as early as possible following unprotected sexual intercourse. It is also called postcoital or morning after conception. It means prevention of pregnancy by contraception taken after unprotected intercourse. It should be taken during the period of unprotected sex like condom breakage, pill omission, IUCD expulsion missed injection, missed calculation of the periodic abstinence and sexual assault. There are two main methods of emergency contraception. They are; • Oral contraceptive pills- combined pills and progestin-only pill 

  • IUCD 

Emergency contraception prevents pregnancy by delaying or inhibiting ovulation, by stopping the fertilization of an egg, or by inhibiting the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. It should be started within 72 hours or 3-5 days of unprotected intercourse. It is ineffective after 5 days. If vomiting occurs within 24 hours of pills intake additional dose is required. Emergency contraceptive is not used for regular ongoing contraception. 

Healthcare providers should regularly inform clients about emergency contraceptives and family planning programs.






How to Cite

Emergency Contraceptives as a Method for Preventing Unwanted Pregnancy. (2011). Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal, 8(1), 46-51. http://jonen.edu.np/index.php/jonen/article/view/9