Neonatal Health Strategies in Nepal


  • Mandira Onta Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, Nursing Campus, Maharajgunj Author




Nepal, the poorest developing country in South Asia, has the highest maternal and neonatal mortality rate in the region. Out of 50,000 infant deaths per year, 30,000 newborns die within the 28th day of their lives. Three-quarter of the neonatal death happens in the first week; the highest risk of death is on the first day of life. Most of these deaths occur due to a lack of skill attendance at birth and mostly at home. In addition to direct causes of death, many Newborns die because of their mother’s poor health or because of lack of access to essential care. Neonatal and Infant Mortality Rates clearly show that the share of NMR in IMR is increasing with each passing year, so to decrease the infant mortality rate further it is necessary to bring down the neonatal deaths rate.


Newborn survival has become an important issue in improving the overall health status and for achieving the millennium developmental goals of a developing country like Nepal. Preventing newborn deaths begins with the health of the mother. Cost-effective prenatal and delivery interventions that improve maternal health and nutrition which save mothers’ lives can save most

newborns too. Also quality of care is important where more births take place in health facilities.






How to Cite

Neonatal Health Strategies in Nepal. (2011). Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal, 8(1), 83-89.