Awareness on Diabetes Complications among Clients at a University Hospital, Kathmandu


  • Kalpana Paudel Tribhuvan University, Institute of Medicine, Maharajgunj Nursing Campus, Kathmandu Author


Awareness, Clients, Diabetes complications, Nepal


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus appears to be a global major non-communicable disease threatening  both developed and developing countries including Nepal. The study aimed to assess an awareness  regarding complications of diabetes mellitus among respondents visiting the diabetes clinic at a  University Hospital Kathmandu Nepal.  

Methods: A descriptive study design was carried out among 100 respondents attending medical out patients department of a university hospital, Nepal. Non-probability purposive sampling technique was  used to select the sample. Structured interview questionnaire was used to obtain information such as  socio-demographic, disease related and awareness on complications of diabetes. Descriptive statistics  was used for data analysis.  

Results: The result showed that diabetes mellitus is common in female (60) and above 60 years  (46) where 33% had positive family history having diabetes. Majorities (84%)of them believed that  diabetes had complications where 54% respondents were aware about hyperglycaemia followed by  hypoglycaemia (33%), whereas only 24% and 21%of respondents were aware on limbs and heart  problems caused by diabetes respectively. Regarding the preventive measure of diabetes complications,  only 45%, 43%, 7%, 5% and 3% of respondents were aware on need of diet management, regular  exercise, regular check-up, self-monitoring of blood glucose and self-care of foot after having diabetes. 

Conclusion: The findings concluded that diabetes clients have knowledge about the diabetes but  they lack in-depth awareness on the various complications of diabetes and their preventive measures.  Further expansion of diabetes education and awareness programs can be improved self-regulatory  awareness of diabetes complications which may reduce the morbidity and premature death caused by  diabetes mellitus. 






How to Cite

Awareness on Diabetes Complications among Clients at a University Hospital, Kathmandu . (2023). Journal of Nursing Education of Nepal, 12(1), 3-7.